We chose to operate on the elrond network because of its unique carbon-negative technology and its unique scalability.
Adaptive state sharding
The optimal approach to blockchain sharding needs to take into consideration the advantages of all three sharding types: State, Transactions & Network. Elrond’s approach to increased throughput, called “Adaptive State Sharding”, combines all three sharding types into a solution that improves communication inside the shards and dramatically increases performance through parallel processing.

Secure proof of stake
Elrond has proposed a novel approach to consensus called “Secure Proof of Stake” which eliminates PoW computational waste and combines eligibility through stake and rating with random validator selection, and an optimal dimension for the consensus group. The BFT-like consensus protocol maintains a high-security level through random sampling of the consensus group, and random reshuffling of nodes into other shards. The consensus uses an unbiasable randomness source generated by the block proposer via signing the previous random source.

Elrond VM
The Elrond Virtual Machine is a dedicated smart contract execution engine built on WASM. It expands the family of languages available to smart contract developers to include Rust, C/C++, C#, Typescript. This means you can write smart contracts in whichever language you’re familiar with, compile it of WASM and easily debug its WAT human-readable format.

Sources : https://elrond.com/technology/
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