Before each fight, you will be able to create your battle plan, with the spells you want to add to your shroom (attack spells, support spells, pet summoning spells, etc...)
The fight will be turn-based, so the Fighter with the best stats in speed will start first.
Starting first is a very big advantage, so the SHROOMs with good speed stats will be considered rarer than the others.
A maximum of 5 Fighters per team will be allowed, the preferred combination would be (a tank, a DPS, a healer) but we know that some people will be creative.
Impress us and make the meta evolve!
To give sustainability to the project, before each fight you'll have to pay a transaction fee of 0.0002 egld
For each won fight 10% royalties will be redirected to the Liquidity pools
The combat systems will be improved as the game is developed and tested
Last updated