NFT Collection
The collection:
As said before, only 7500 fighters will be ever created, BUT, new NFTs will arrive in the game such as pets, weapons, items (and more...)
The mint:
Before launching the play2earn, we will release three sales rounds during which you will be able to get your firsts Shrooms Fighters.
1st round (PRIVATE SALES) will be released 2500 NFT (0.25 $EGLD each) Max 10 per person
2nd round (PUBLIC SALES) will be released 2500 NFT (0.5 $EGLD each) Max 10 per person
3rd round (PUBLIC SALES) will be released 2500 NFT (1 $EGLD each) Max 10 per person
The mint will be fairly launched, our team will have to buy their fighters and will not have any advantage on the community. The rarity of the Fighters will be established in function of their skills
(Health / Power / Attack speed / Armor)
5 different types of rarity: Common / Rare / Super rare / Legendary / Mythic
The rewards will be different depending on the rarity of your fighter
Common = 0.0005 egld per win (0.005 egld max per day)
Rare = 0.0015 egld per win (0.015 egld max per day)
Super rare = 0.003 egld per win (0.03 egld max per day)
Legendary = 0.007 egld per win (0.07 egld max per day)
Mythic = 0.012 egld per win (0.12 egld max per day)
The reward system will be subject to modifications as more and more players joins the fight
Rarity ranking :
Commons :
No trait
Rares :
One trait = (Glasses)
Super rares :
Two traits = ( Hat + Necklace)
Legendaries :
3 Traits = ( Hat + Glasses + Necklace)
Mythics :
4 traits = ((aureole or demon's horns) + Hat + Glasses + Necklace) Every fighters will get a background (Heaven, Hell, Forest, Battlefield and it will not be counted as a trait
Last updated